


会社概要 Company Profile

代表取締役 安藤英広 Hidehiro Ando Andy Pharma Partners Inc. President

40年以上国内外の製薬企業、ベンチャー企業、官製の研究機関で医薬品のライセンスや共同研究提携業務に携わった経験を生かし、コンサルタント業を経て、2022年Andy Pharma Partnersを設立

代表ご挨拶 Message

代表ご挨拶 Message 私は、これまで40年以上、製薬業界の中で事業開発・ライセンシング業務に従事しておりました。





ご縁があり、外資系企業の事業開発部門、更に、国内上場ベンチャー企業に移り、導出・導入業務に従事しました。 私は、これまで、国内外の製薬企業、ベンチャー企業そして、官製の研究機関など様々な組織の中で、医薬品のライセンスや共同研究提携の業務に携わってきました。





I have been engaged in business development and licensing activities within the pharmaceutical industry for over 40 years. First, I was involved in out-licensing and in-licensing of compounds at a domestic pharmaceutical company, as well as research and negotiation of joint ventures with European and U.S. companies. After that, I worked in the research planning department, including collaborative research alliances, and then joined a major government-owned research organization, where I was engaged in technology transfer department. I studied and prepared the proposal for collaboration with industries to deploy the results of large-scale research based on large national budgets to industry. Then, when an opportunity arose, I became involved in the establishment of a venture company for regenerative medicine. From the start-up of the company, I recruited researchers, made fundraise, developed and as well as industries, formed marketing alliances for research-related products, and negotiated with government , companies, and various organizations for the realization of cell therapy. By chance, I moved to the business development division of a foreign company, and then to a listed venture company in Japan, where I was engaged in out-licensing and in-licensing operations. I have been involved in drug licensing and collaborative research partnerships in a variety of organizations, including domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, venture companies, and government research institutes. In the process, I have experienced being on both sides of the table, on the side of pharmaceutical companies and bio-ventures, on the side of proposing business alliances and other collaborations, and on the side of receiving such proposals and conducting internal evaluations. I have experience in understanding the situation of both sides from both perspectives. In order to utilize all of these specialized experiences, I started a consultancy business in 2015 to support business development and licensing activities. I would like to effectively utilize my knowledge, experience, and network to support domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies and ventures engaged in business development using Japan as a market.


企業データ Corporate data

事業所名 株式会社アンディファーマパートナーズ  Andy Pharma Partners Inc.
代表者 安藤英広 Hidehiro Ando
所在地 〒567-0826
1-8-14, Ohike, Ibaraki-ci, Osaka, Japan
電話 +81-(0)90-9543-6208
営業 土日祝、年末年始、夏季

アクセス Access


1-8-14, Ohike, Ibaraki-ci, Osaka, Japan

TEL: +81-(0)90-9543-6208

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